COVID 19 - Fee Changes
21 April 2020
Hi WPS team,
I expect you are all aware by now…. Medicare requirement for mandatory Bulk billing of “special criteria” clients, under 16 etc ceased yesterday.
WPS plan to post an update notice on our website advising of this change and that as of Monday 27th April normal fees apply to all.
We expect there will still be some clients who will express inability to attend for financial reasons.
Many stated to reception so far, they were continuing because it was being Bulk billed….
Consequently we will continue to encourage clients to tell us if fees are a problem. If you are aware of this and clients have not communicated with reception please let admin know how you would like to proceed.
Reception can offer the “reduced fee” $120 as per previous plan but should this not be acceptable for the client, the psychologist will be notified.
Options for psychologist then may be;
-if TPS registered - to request client get TPS referral due to financial difficulty and continue funded sessions.
-if not TPS registered -to BB for XX period of time/number of sessions?? or admin can advise them of TPS service and they will be referred to next available TPS registered psychologist/ you can recommend appropriate transfer option.
- you can let us know of alternate option ??
Alyce will be formulating this client communication ASAP and an standard reception response so that enquiries where possible can be managed immediately without deferral/followup.
Please let us know if you are not Ok for us to proceed with this plan for your clients and we will incorporate your needs as best we can.
We are aiming to communicate to all this week and next week’s Medicare clients today.
Any other issues/concerns with how WPS admin are travelling along this Covid 19 path …… please feel free to let us know 😊
Regards Fiona