If you suffer from any mental health disorder or would like to enhance your mental well-being, the following apps can be very helpful.
The following links could prove helpful to those struggling with their mental health.
The BRAVE Program (Brave Self-Help)- https://beacon.anu.edu.au/service/website/view/21/4
Anxiety and Teenagers (Reachout.com)- https://parents.au.reachout.com/common-concerns/mental-health/anxiety-and-teenagers
Anxiety (Beyond Blue)- https://www.youthbeyondblue.com/understand-what's-going-on/anxiety
Black Dog Institute- www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Healthdirect Australia- www.healthdirect.gov.au
Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation- headspace.org.au
Mental health | Australia.gov.au- www.australia.gov.au/information-and-services/health/mental-health
Mental health disorders- http://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-disorders
Re Gen- http://www.regen.org.au/
Head to Health- https://headtohealth.gov.au/about-us
The Victorian Pride Centre: https://pridecentre.org.au
Transhub: https://www.transhub.org.au/
Thorne Harbour Health: https://thorneharbour.org/lgbti-health/trans-and-gender-diverse-health/
The Gender Centre- https://gendercentre.org.au
RCH Gender Service- https://www.rch.org.au/adolescent-medicine/gender-service/
These books could prove helpful for your mental and emotional well-being.
Various Books- Bev Aisbett
Beating the Blues- Robert Leahy
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook-E. Bourne
Living with the Black Dog- Matthew Johnstone
The Mindful Way Through Depression- Williams et al.
Mind Over Mood- Padesky and Greenberger
The Reality Slap- Russ Harris
The Happiness Trap- Russ Harris
Quiet the Mind- Matthew Johnstone
Act with Love- Russ Harris
The Compassionate Mind Approach to Building Self-Confidence- Paul Gilbert
The Tenth Good Thing About Barney- Judith Viorst.